Verse of the Day

During my weekday mornings when I am doing my crosswalk duties I have a quite a set routine. I am quite “old school” and still wake up with one of those items known as a clock radio, Does anyone remember them? It is set for 6:30 am. with the radio tuned on to the Christian radio station Life 100.3. The “Get Up and Go” morning show is hosted by Steve Bradley and Todd Gale. The radio alarm comes on just around 15 seconds before the 6:30 news. I’ll listen to the news, the sports, the traffic and the weather. The weather is what I particularly pay attention to, so I will have an idea how warm to dress at my crosswalk.

Todd Gale and Steve Bradley. the “Get Up and Go” morning radio show hosts. Image Source.

After the news and weather, I’ll lay in bed and listen to two or three songs. And then it is announced what the “Verse of the Day” is. I really enjoy these verses, and find that having this bit of scripture is so important to start off my day. Before Todd announced the verse on Thursday, he said “This one will likely sting”. The 2 verses shared were from James 3:9-10 NIV, “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be“.

From Life 100.3 website for Thursday Jan. 22, 2022

I have read these two verses and have heard them spoken untold number of times. But as I let them sink in while lying there in bed, I thought how many times words have come out of my mouth that should never have been spoken. Or typed out on the computer. The taming of our tongue is one of the more difficult practices for Christians, especially in today’s society. These verses are so applicable for these days we live in. Sadly, we live in a generation of cynicism, hypocrisy, and prejudice. It can be very challenging to not be drawn in to it.

Image Source: Quotesgram

Our society is so devisive, even among Christian circles. Reading through some social media threads, you’ll know exactly what I mean. If you engage in any form of social media (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc.), you’ve surely read something that set your blood to boil. I’m a Twitter guy myself, but I’m not sure that we’ve figured out how to have meaningful conversation around divisive topics in the virtual world. Is it even possible?

What we don’t want to be doing. Image Source

Once again Scripture gives us some insight of how we should go about it. For believers in Jesus, James once again provides an appropriate online ethic. Even though these verses were written a couple thousand years before “online” was even a thing. James writes “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires”. James 1:19-20. Just think of how much of the bickering on the World Wide Web would come to a grinding halt if our society lived by that credo. Choosing to live contrary to our natural inclinations is not easy. If we’re not able to have a meaningful, civil conversation with strangers that we may not agree with on social media, it may be helpful just to scroll on past. Or look at cat pictures. Or step completely away from the computer and clear the head with a run. The Lord knows the heart of all people and his love is unconditional. We will not win the heart of a fellow human with the cynicism and judgment of a zealot.

If not able to respond to posts we disagree with in a civil, meaningful way, it would be in the best interest to step away. Or go look at cat pictures on #CatsOfTwitter. Or have the cat sit on or in front of the computer to prevent having us type out something that would be regretted. Photo is from my Twitter ultrarunning friend Melinda Howard. The cats name is Castro, and Melinda’s caption was, “What? You mean you wanted to use the laptop today?”
Image Source. Can also apply by the way our words are expressed on the internet.

In today’s society there is just not enough love. 1 John 4:7 states, “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” We as Christians are called to a higher standard. We are not called to condemnation of some stranger on the internet. Knowing especially these are our fellow human beings created in the likeness of God. A few thoughts I pondered that came out of the Life 100.3 “Verse of the Day”. Thanks for reading…~Carl~

Image Source: Quotesgram

2 thoughts on “Verse of the Day

  1. Oh I can’t love this enough! It is something we are all guilty of, in some ways and this is a reminder to stick a sock in it…sometimes. I heard something in church last week. Bob Goff was the speaker. He said. Dont let other people decided who you are. I read that more than twice. To think where we judge, or curse, is that really who we want to be. Donna

    This pleasure is mine.

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    • Thank you for your follow of both blogs, Donna. As they are registered under the one Gravatar I am only able to follow back with my primary blog. Follows and comments like this default back to my primary blog. I am sure there is a way around it, but I haven’t figured it out yet.

      Bob Goff is such a down to earth, rubber meets the road Christ follower. His sayings we really do have to say it more than twice for it to fully sink in. “Jesus has never looked at you and wished you were someone else.” Or “Figure out the 8 people you would like to see at your deathbed, then surround yourself with them in life.”

      I appreciate your kind words Donna. God bless you. Have a tremendous rest of the week. 😀🙏

      Liked by 1 person

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