A Treasure in Jars of Clay

Seven weeks ago I was able to complete the notoriously tough 50k Pick Your Poison Trail Race for the 7th consecutive time. Although the course stays always the same, it seems that every year the race gets harder to complete. This year’s race I ended up as the 3rd last finisher out of 99 starters.…

Well, Grandma Was a Christian

I’ve worked a lot of jobs in my lifetime. From grave digging, to brick and block laborer, farm worker, to factory worker, to warehouse worker, to painter, to ditch digger, to leaky basement laborer, to ski lift operator, to worker in the water well drilling industry. But the one job I really dreaded heading out…

My Identity

With the world population now over 7.5 billion a person can sometimes feel pretty insignificant.  And chances are there are more than one person in the world that carries the same name as you and me. I did type in my name Carl Wright into Google and discovered there are 291 profiles of Carl Wright…

The Man Who Cheated Death Twice

Tsutomu Yamaguchi’s claim to fame is quite unusual. He cheated death twice. On August 6, 1945 as a 29 year old engineer he was on a business trip for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Hiroshima Japan.  That day the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the city killing 80,000 people. With burns to the upper…


In some parts of our lives or another fear is something we have all had to deal with.  It was the Pulitzer Prize winning American author and humorist Dave Barry who wrote, “All of us are born with a set of instinctive fears–of falling, of the dark, of lobsters, of falling on lobsters in the…