Two Countries, Two New Leaders.

In just over a year our two neighbouring countries Canada and the United States have elected two new political leaders representing in each case a change in political parties.  Canada’s election brought forth a lot of emotion, and the United States even to a greater extent.

Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump. (Reuters)

Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump. (Reuters)

In Canada and the United States we live in freedom.  It is interesting that in our free countries we can elect our leaders.  But when they get in power it seems okay to bash our leaders with reckless abandon.  These attitudes are directly opposed to God’s plan of how we as Christians should view our nations leaders.

In 1 Timothy 2 the Apostle Paul commands us to pray for our governing leaders (and not for our leaders demise).  We are told that we pray in order that “we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness”.  What does this mean?  We pray for our leaders that we well live in a stable society that allows us to focus on worshipping God.

In other parts of the Bible we are told to pray for the salvation of others and for the wisdom of our leaders.  These areas are also important.  The key is to pray for, not attack our leaders, whether verbally or otherwise.

The Bible admonishes believers to pray for civil authorities---even when we don't like or agree with them. Image source

The Bible admonishes believers to pray for civil authorities—even when we don’t like or agree with them. Image source

To put this into even greater context Paul wrote the words to pray for our leaders when he was under the reign of Roman Emperor Nero.   Nero died at 30 years old of suicide, but during his reign it is described that he became the “most cruel and dissolute of tyrants“. What kind of a leader was he?  History mentions he murdered his mother and both his wives for starters, But his grotesque brutality far descended his immediate family. His inhumane cruelty was particularly focused towards Christians.

When it comes to our governing leaders, God’s Word speaks clearly on where we are to begin….in prayer.  There has been a lot of political posts lately.  Thank you for taking the time to read another one!  🙂

10 thoughts on “Two Countries, Two New Leaders.

  1. Very well written, Carl! It saddens me to see people becoming so hateful toward each other and the leader that was elected by the people here in the U.S. (whether it was the one they voted for or not). Everyone has a right to their own opinion and not everyone is going to agree…but to start spreading even more hatred and violence because of that is beyond my comprehension.

    More people should read and heed the words you wrote above. We are definitely in need of God’s blessings more than ever!


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so very much Denise. You leave such generous encouraging and valued comments.

      It definitely would make such a huge difference if we all did start praying for our leaders.

      God’s richest blessings to you as well! 🙂


  2. Sorry I missed this post. For some reason your Sunday Blog is not showing up in my Reader.

    Anyway, well said as always Carl. Many prayers for both our country’s leaders for to make wise and God driven decisions in 2017.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah I have the same thing with different blogs failing to show up on my reader. But thank you for stopping by, always so encouraging to see you here.

      Our nations leaders definitely need our prayers. May we be faithful.

      God bless! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Tough one. I shall have to think about that, although I do agree that once the person has been fairly elected folks should get behind them….then again why should people get behind any system that is so poisonous and corrupted to the core?

    Liked by 1 person

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